I remember when my dad came with a 22days old pup and put him on my lap. I was seven years old. Our previous dog of nine years passed away the year before on my birthday and we were still morning. We were missing the sound of his nails clicking on the floor, and his barking, his smell-everything was weird without him.
That’s a 22-day-old pup on my lap-I still remember at the age of 48 now, it felt like I have so much to do now. I grew a lot in that single moment. The difference between the feelings for Duke, our previous dog, and Albert the new pup was- Duke came before I was born, so he was like my sibling. But Albert made a seven-year-old kid suddenly a mom.
When I look back no, I feel so many things we could do better if we were aware. My experience now tells me- so many families want to adopt dogs, and want to give them the best life-but many things go wrong because of less awareness. After adoption….. so many dogs go back to the shelter.
A 22-day-old pup should never be away from the mom. Given an option, the first four months of a pup’s life should be around its mom. Lots of learning goes on during that period. Albert was extremely territorial and pretty much aggressive towards anyone else other than my close family. He lived beautiful 13 years with us. But it was difficult 13 years in many ways.
I feel – so many people don’t know that the immense satisfaction, and the pure happiness of adopting a dog, and giving him/ her another second chance. As a mother of two kids and myself growing up with dogs all my life-I feel all parents should know how kids get positively affected when they have four paws, furry friends, and companions in their life to share, care and take responsibility for.
We at Romis Home Pets Nursery are now going to roll out a course to reach out to more families with young kids. It will be a philanthropic adventure. It’s time to give back to society. Its time to understand the animal
– ‘dogs’, who are with us for as long as 30,000 years since we first started domesticating them.
If you have kids and want to grow him/her into beautiful human beings with love and care in your heart, a strong mind and a strong sense of responsibility- let’s work together. We will guide you on how to adopt a dog and to make him/her a family member in the right way.
Research says that kids who grow up with dogs around them are mentally stronger, less prone to depression and much more caring and closer to nature. Giving a beautiful life to another soul- the happiness attached to it is permanent happiness. It’s not happiness related to something materialistic, which gets so easily worn out.
Team Romis Home is waiting here. Let’s help each other to create more and more beautiful stories.
Love Romi
More stories on owing dogs:https://romishome.com/blog/
Watch some cool dog videos from Romis Home:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YJUsa8qnlsk&t=24s